On rain and passion

“They fly for work and they fly for fun in their time off of work. That's one way to tell a true passion.” — Natasha Deganello Giraudie, Micro-Documentaries CEO

A few years ago I went gliding with my brother. Gliding, for those of you who have never done it before, is flying in an airplane without a motor. Natural updrafts replace propellers, and the quiet of the sky stands in for the drone of an engine. My brother is a commercial pilot, and I found it so amusing that most of the people who were gliding with us that day were also professional pilots. They fly for work and they fly for fun in their time off of work. That’s one way to tell a true passion.

I was reminded of this when I got Adam Warmington’s film this morning. It’s something he put together over the weekend on his time off from making micro-documentaries. It’s a lovely, moody, poetic, personal piece that conveys the feeling of this stormy past weekend and celebrates it in a way that makes you wish you were there.

Often filmmakers and clients alike shy away from the rain. This is an example of how rain on a filming day can actually be a gift.

What are some of your favorite pieces filmed in the rain?

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