Staff Picks: A negative to celebrate

“I know this child is going to be negative. This child is going to live.” –– Constance Mudenda, Implementation and Mobilization Coordinator at an AIDS clinic in Zambia


[table_row title=”Client”](RED)[/table_row]

[table_row title=”Purpose”]To communicate the life-saving impact that ARV treatment has in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. To date, (RED) has raised over $200 million for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.[/table_row]


Sometimes the toughest sorrows and setbacks inspire us to carry on and achieve great things. Constance Mudenda lost three children to HIV/AIDS before testing and treatment for the virus were widely available in Zambia.  After enduring the enormous loss of her children, a clinic arrived in her area and Connie tested positive for HIV.  Thankfully, she was enrolled in the clinic and had access to continual anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment.  Connie committed to her regimen and as she saw her own health improve, she became a peer educator, “giving hope to the hopeless.” As Connie says, “If my children had lived, I don’t think I would have the time to give encouragement to anyone because I wouldn’t have the experience, I wouldn’t have the strength to give to a person.”

Last year, Connie became pregnant for the fourth time, and thanks to the availability of ARVs and to her steadfast adherence to the medication, Connie delivered a beautiful, healthy, HIV negative baby girl.  I, and the entire Micro-Documentaries team, greatly enjoyed meeting Connie through her story on film and extend her our sincerest congratulations!

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