Happy summer & winter solstice

Appreciating this day at Micro-Documentaries from Sydney to Managua passing through California.

In Latin, sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still),  the day when the sun stands still in the seasonal movement where it comes to a stop before reversing direction. Whether you are in the Northern Hemisphere heading into the expansiveness of summer or in the Southern moving into the depths of winter, here is a new opportunity to notice the sun, its light, its warmth, its life.

Happy summer solstice. A day to remember that the sun’s photons are literally within us and that quietly and without exception it reflects the greatest version of ourselves in the light of our wisdom and the warmth of our love. A day to say thank you for the light the sun brings to our work and our craft and our art.  And for the light it helps us shed on our clients’ solutions, which, in and of themselves, are a great constellation of lights. Happy summer solstice.  Happy winter solstice.  I hope you have a chance to soak in some rays, honor the day and mark our transition into the new season.  Enjoy some snapshots of today from our team around the world from the Sydney to Managua come through the San Francisco Bay Area.

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