How might we connect with our audience in a deeper, more meaningful way?
How might we invite them to dream big with us and be part of the solution?
You have heard us go on about the importance of the personal connection, but this article by Tim Brown, CEO at IDEO, illustrates another key element of the impact story — the HMW, or “How Might We” question. If you are innovating on a social or environmental front, this is a critical way to express the opportunity you envision and to invite your audience to dream big with you.
As Brown writes:
“How” assumes there are solutions out there.
“Might” says some of the ideas may work, others won’t—either way, it’s OK.
And “We” says we’re going to solve the problem together by building on each other’s ideas.
Note that this is not a statement about your particular solution, but rather the opportunity you see ahead of you. Caution: Leading with your specific solution (rather than leading your audience to your solution) is one of the surest ways of producing a more promotional type of video, which you should avoid unless you want to sound like a commercial and give an allergic reaction to editorial channels.
So as we move into 2014, remember to think big:
How might we redesign cities to increase the wealth and health of the majority of inhabitants?
How might we use open spaces in cities to promote wellness?
How might we reduce the amount of surface area currently dedicated to cars (now around 30%)?
Then show how you are in the process of overcoming the obstacles to make this a reality that they can be part of.
Happy New Year!