When two words are worth a thousand pictures

The meme "PorteOuverte," which emerged in the wake of the Paris tragedy, is a reminder of how powerful two little words can be.

As a storyteller I have a choice with every single word I share. You have a choice with each story you express.

Will my call be one for arms? Will your words fuel the flames of violence? Will our words paint a picture of merciless revenge in the face of unthinkable violence?

Or will my words be an invitation to look at our own role in creating the conditions for peace? Will your words rise above fear and be a call for courageous hearts? Will our words offer refuge?

Two little words have united in the wake of the Paris tragedy for a powerful expression of unconditional compassion. #porteouverte.

It translates as Open Door. Just two simple words. They were not qualified by “Only native Parisians,” “Only Christians,” “Syrians are not welcomed,” “If you are Muslim, stay away.”

Just two simple words worth thousands of pictures of the human beings we all aspire to live into. What words will you choose?

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