2 weeks left for NYC half-day workshop: Advancing your mission through better storytelling

Come join us for a half-day workshop in NYC that explores how storytelling, and short film in particular, can help grow movements and effect change on a global scale.

This one is going to be extra special. Our original film series, Let’s Get Street Smart, is approaching half a million views, and we are looking forward to sharing how we did that and how you can get your stories in front of huge audiences too.

If the first 6 years of Micro-Documentaries was about pioneering this genre of micro-length films for social innovators, our current focus is how to get those films seen so that they can increase the likelihood of having the impact you want.

Come join us in Manhattan.

We have a great spot reserved, but if you have a beautiful venue for 20-30 people and would like to host us, we would be happy to exchange tuition for that. Let us know here.

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