Join us for morning meditation

At Micro-Documentaries we have embraced a daily morning meditation practice. The goal is to start our days with more sanity, compassion, and calm — and ultimately produce better films because of it.
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At Micro-Documentaries we have embraced a daily morning meditation practice. The goal is to start our days with more sanity, compassion, and calm — and ultimately produce better films because of it.
A smart, strategic communication plan that includes a steady stream of short films can turn missions from impossible to inevitable. Just ask Freedom to Marry, whose persistent storytelling over the past two decades has helped turn the national tide on marriage equality.
Musician Rufus Cappadocia of the remarkable Bethany and Rufus has recovered his precious stolen cello! Talk about the power of social media and harnessing your personal network to engage a larger community in your mission.
From her kitchen in Tasmania, Sonia Singh and the story of her Tree Change Dolls transformed into a global conversation about the hyper-sexualization of girls in toys and media. How can you find similar traction with your mission? Deeply personal stories relayed in a fireside manner are a good place to start.
Entrepreneur Jason Fried argues in a recent article for Inc. that love for one’s job is a bogus criteria for success. He overlooks the fact that until we start working with the intention of increasing the well-being of others, true success will continue to elude us.