Category Archives: Staff Picks

Hope for Humans microdoc wins Grand Prize at the Neuro Film Festival

[dotted_separator] [table_row title=”Client”]Hope for Humans[/table_row] [table_row title=”Purpose”]To call attention to the devastating impact of Nodding Syndrome in Northern Uganda. Some 7,000 children now have the disease, while the cause and cure remain unknown.[/table_row] [table_row title=”Award”]The film won the grand prize at the Neuro Film Festival, a contest that helps raise awareness about brain and nervous […]

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Staff Picks: A negative to celebrate

[dotted_separator] [table_row title=”Client”](RED)[/table_row] [table_row title=”Purpose”]To communicate the life-saving impact that ARV treatment has in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. To date, (RED) has raised over $200 million for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.[/table_row] [dotted_separator] Sometimes the toughest sorrows and setbacks inspire us to carry on and achieve great things. Constance Mudenda […]

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